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Congratulations Mama! It is time to pack your hospital bag!

You are officially in the final stretch of your pregnancy. Goodbye tummy, hello baby!

If you’re a first-time mama, I’m sure your intentions are to pack light and to be as minimal as possible. Right?! Well…..realistically speaking you will probably overpack. I sure did, LOL.

Think rationally when packing your bag. Think about it this way, the hospital is not a hotel. Bellman luggage carts will not be on the premises. LOL. You are only going to be at the hospital for a few days, there’s no need to bring everything from home with you. The hospital will provide some items for you.

When I packed my hospital bag, I overdid it. I used YouTube as a reference guide. I ended up repacking my bag 3 times because it was heavy and half of the items were unnecessary. In the end, there were only 5 items that I needed to pack in my hospital bag.

Remember, when you come home you will be bringing another person with you. Will you have enough space in the car for the baby and his or her car seat?

I want to help you to pack a hospital bag that will ease the stress of getting to the hospital

When to Pack Your Hospital Bag

Starting the packing process around week 30 is a great start. If you want to start sooner than that – feel free to do so. There are two advantages to packing early: (1) you can order items that you may not have in your closet and (2) you do not have to worry about your partner/family member packing your bag and (3). LOL. By week 35, your hospital bag should be packed and loaded in the car. 

What to Include In Mom’s Hospital Bag

I’ve heard that mom’s take two bags for themselves to the hospital. One for delivery and the other for postpartum care. The choice is up to you. I took everything in one bag. I did not touch my hospital bag until the day after I had my son.

  1. Important Documents – Insurance Card/ID/Birth Plan – When the time comes to get admitted to the hospital, you will a copy of your insurance card and a copy of your driver’s license. Mom – if you do not want to bring your wallet to the hospital, inform dad where you keep these items and he can place them in his wallet on your behalf.
  2. Blanket (Labor/Delivery and Postpartum)– During the hospital tour, I noticed that my hospital kept their thermostat on a low reading. I packed a blanket and I kept it with me for the duration of my stay. It came in handy.
  3. Comfortable Clothes (Postpartum) – After you deliver your baby, you want to be comfortable. I suggest bringing two or three nursing gowns with you to the hospital. You will also need to bring an outfit to go home in. I also brought a gown with me because I had a few visitors stop by to visit.
  4. Toiletries (Labor/Delivery and Postpartum) – Be sure to pack your personal toiletries such as deodorant, lotion, soap, comb/brush, shampoo, conditioner, ponytail holder, etc.
  5. Books/Magazines/Electronics (Labor/Delivery and Postpartum). I was induced. As a first time mom, I was unaware of this process, we literally sat around and watched time slowly pass by. Sleeping and watching television became overrated. I needed something to help pass the time. I highly recommend bringing a book/magazine or perhaps a tablet/laptop. If you’re planning to bring any electronic device be sure to bring your charger.

Item’s Provided by the Hospital – For Mom

The hospital will provide you with disposable mesh underwear and heavy flow sanitary napkins. USE THEM! To my surprise, they were quite comfortable. I even asked for a few pairs to take home with me.

What To Include in Dad’s Bage

Dad’s list is not too far off from mom’s list. Dad will need to pack his own bag.

  1. Clothes – Mom may not want you to leave her side, I suggest bringing a change of clothes for at least three days.
  2. Pillow/Blanket – You will be sleeping on the couch at the hospital and it’s very uncomfortable. Remember we are at a hospital and not a hotel. Bring a pillow and a blanket with you.
  3. Toiletries – same as mom
  4. Water/Snacks/Candy – you may want to bring a few snacks to save some cash. If not, get your coins ready because the vending machine will be your best friend. Be so kind and pack a few items for mom. The day before I gave birth to my son, my nurse informed me that I could not eat after 12 midnight. The next day, I had my son at 11:40 pm. I. WAS. STARVING. After I had him, I eventually received something to eat. It took about an hour for me to get some food. Thumbs up to dad for saving the day.
  5. Electronics – bring a tablet/cell phone. You will also have periods of downtime while mom is going through the labor process. After delivery, you will be the photographer and will be the first point of contact for family members. Make sure your battery is charged and you are camera ready.

Item’s Provided by the Hospital – For Dad

The hospital will provide you with a disposable toothbrush/toothpaste and shower gel just in case you leave home without it.

What To Include In Baby’s Hospital Bag

  1. Clothes (for the hospital) – you may want to bring a few items with you to the hospital. The hospital dressed my son in a onesie that was sized for a 6-month-old. I brought a few onesies, socks and caps with me. Keep in mind, the hospital photographer will visit you to take pictures.
  2. Going home outfit – this one is pretty much self-explanatory. Considering your geographical location and the season, be sure to pack seasonal clothes for the baby.
  3. Car Seat – Obviously car seats cannot fit in the baby’s hospital bag. It’s highly recommended for you to bring the car seat with you to the hospital because you cannot leave the hospital without a car seat.
  4. Receiving Blanket – the hospital will provide you with multiple blankets. However, I brought a blanket from home to use for the skin to skin contact. We also wrapped it around him for the ride home.
  5. Boppy – The boppy helped me to ensure proper elevation during nursing sessions.

Items Provided by the Hospital – For Baby

The hospital will provide the following items for baby: a nasal aspirator, pacifier, diapers & wipes, one or two onesies, hospital blankets, and a small package of formula.

This list was created based on my personal delivery experience. Your list may differ slightly and that is perfectly okay. As you prepare to pack, keep in mind you should only have two hospital bags. One for mom and baby and the other for dad. Make sure your bags have additional room for the items provided by the hospital. Do not refrain from taking the additional wipes and diapers for the baby. You have paid for them so take them – it’s okay!

That is it! You have been equipped with the top 5 items to include in your hospital bag for mom, dad and baby.

What items did you include in your hospital your bag? Did you over pack or under pack? Feel free to leave a comment below. Learn more on my About Me page or by following CoinCountinMama on Instagram.

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Top 5 Items for Hospital Bag |