Note: This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclaimer policy for details. OMG, I can’t wait to share with you all how I earn money with Swagbucks. However, I want to put it out there that this blog post is not sponsored. I will include some Swagbucks links throughout this post. If you want […]
How to Start a Blog and Start Making Money

Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links from Bluehost. If you use them, I might be rewarded credit or a commission of the sale. Please note that I only recommend tools that I personally use and love and I always have my readers’ best interest at heart. Are you interested in starting a blog but […]
8 Personal Finance Bloggers You’ll Want to Follow Right Now!!!

When I decided to commit to this debt-free journey, I turned to Instagram for inspiration! Since starting this debt-free journey, I wanted to follow people who could teach me how to get out of debt, pick up side-hustles, invest and most importantly how to change your money mindset! In this post, I will feature a […]
4 Money Management Tips for Couples

Finance can make or break a relationship. In fact, it’s the leading cause of stress in a relationship. Have you ever had a financial disagreement with your significant other about money? When it comes down to money, are the two of you often on the same page or are you on two totally different spectrums? […]
How to Prepare for Financial Emergencies

Have you ever dealt with an unexpected financial emergency? When it happens, don’t you just want to scream? But as much as you want as you want to complain about it, you have to keep living. Two years ago, the A/C unit in my car went out. At the time, I was living in South […]
Save $2021 with the 52-Week Money Challenge

Are you ready to reclaim your finances this year? Let’s admit, 2020 was definitely a year of uncertainties. It seemed like everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Many Americans found themselves facing their own personal finance crisis. I get it, when it comes to saving sometimes it’s much easier said than done, right? I […]
5 SMART Financial Goals for a Prosperous New Year

Can you believe we are less than 30 days away from the start of a new year?! I don’t know about you but I love bringing in a new year (wait – is it ringing in or bringing in??). Anyway, a new year gives you a sense of hope that all of your mistakes are […]
Financial Mistakes to Avoid in 2021

Financial mistakes can cause a lot of stress. Have you ever made a financial mistake that you later regretted? If you said no, I’m going to go ahead and call your bluff and say that you’re “fabricating the truth”. LOL. I have made SEVERAL financial mistakes. Truth be told, I make financial mistakes on a monthly […]
Managing Financial Stress this Holiday Season

Hey Ya’ll! Is it just me or is everyone talking about Black Friday as opposed to Thanksgiving? This morning, I purchased a few last minute Thanksgiving items from my local grocery store. As the cashier, cashed me out she asked if was I ready for Black Friday? I’m thinking to myself, I have a cart […]
Planning Ahead – Your 30 Day Holiday Money Savings Challenge

Are you a planner or a procrastinator? Planners tend to set goals & organize their next moves when planning ahead. I’ve often heard that if you plan ahead, you’ll have low-stress levels and you have a better chance of preparing for unexpected events. Procrastinators, on the other hand, tend to wait until the very last minute to […]