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Ah good ole’ Instagram.

Tell me this, whenever you pull out your phone, how often do you open your Instagram app? For me, it might be every time. Yeah, I have a teeny problem. But, I do it because I want to escape  reality for a second and see what really going on. According to Investopedia, 59% of U.S. Millennials Are Active Instagram Users. If you’re a Millennial reading this article, there’s a strong chance that at some point during your day, you will scroll through countless photos of friends, family members, celebrities, brands, etc. This statistic assures me that I’m not the only one hanging out on the gram, LOL.

Instagram just like other social media sites is a platform. Companies use it to attract new clients, celebrities use it to gain more exposure and some bloggers use it to teach. When people say social media is bad, I laugh. It’s bad if your intentions aren’t good. Social Media is awesome, especially if used correctly. It has truly transformed many industries in various ways.

In 2018, when I created Coin Countin Mama I stumbled across the #DebtFreeCommunity movement on Instagram. Who knew there were so many individuals out there eliminating debt and helping others along the way. I mean these individuals are on fire about committing to their respective debt free journey’s.

Today, I am sharing 9 IG accounts that are on fire about paying off their debts and getting their money straight. These ladies are the bomb dot com. These ladies aren’t just talking the talk. Each of them have been down that long road of outstanding debt so they know what it’s like to have little or no money in the bank, live paycheck to paycheck and wonder when or how they’ll make ends meet. 

These ladies are awesome! They’re honest and extremely transparent about their past experiences. Had it not been for those experiences, their Instagram accounts and this blog post would probably not exist.

Check out this list of the top 9 Instagram Accounts That’ll Inspire You To Get Your Money Straight! If you don’t have time to read this post, scroll down and pin the image below.

Shatoria | @CoinCountinMama

Shatoria (that’s me!) decided to start my debt-free journey back in 2018. This is a little embarrassing to admit but this is my second attempt pursuing debt-freedom. My debt consists of student loans, credit cards and medical debt. I am an accountant by day and I am often assisting others to ensure that their books are in balance and they can stay afloat. I’m unsure how I did not listen to my own advise. After years of paying the minimum balance on my debts and living paycheck to paycheck, I reached a point where I had enough. Since committing to this journey, I have paid off $5,000 in credit card debt by using SMART goals and cutting back on my spending. I decided to create an Instagram account to hold myself accountable as I pay off my debts. I want to inspire others by highlighting the good, the bad and the ugly. I want other millennials to see that it’s possible to get it out of debt. There’s nothing to it but to do it (if you grew up watching Martin in the 90s, you know exactly where I got this phrase from, LOL).

Latasha | @artsandbudgets

Like many of us, Latasha (who happens to be my sorority sister 🙂 ), grew up under the thought process that debt was used as a means to take care of other debt. Living paycheck to paycheck was normal. Like most millennials, she used student loans to pay for her college education. During this time, she signed up for credit cards as an effort to build  credit. A few years later, she realized that student loans debt + credit card debt = a wake up call. She didn’t want her debt to hinder her from having the life that she always wanted. As a result, she changed her money mindset and developed an effective budget and a solid financial plan that would set her family up for success. To date, she has paid off $10,000+ of credit card debt.  

Nika | @debtfreegonnabe


Nika is my Instagram BFF!  We share so many similarities when it comes down to debt. She’s chill, hilarious and very easy to talk to.Like myself, she is in the six figure debt club! Her outstanding debt consists of 2 college degrees, credit card debt and IRS debt. To date she has paid off $9,000 of tax debt in 3 months, $18,000 across 12 credit cards.  Although she has eliminated items from her budget that don’t really matter, she has made it known that she loves Baseball and will not give it up. She is a PROUD Washington Nationals fan and will quickly let her followers know that! Baseball is an expense that she will NOT eliminate form her budget PERIOD! Check out her page and find out how she is side hustling her way to debt freedom.

Stephanie | @financesonpoint_

Meet Stephanie. She is a Financial Educator, Real Estate Investor and she’s also sorority sister! Her Instagram page is a great resource for individuals looking to learn about money and wealth creation. She is using this platform to teach individuals how to gain confidence in managing their finances. It’s her mission is to empower millennials to take control of their finances by building wealth one dollar at a time. After finding herself tangled in debt, Stephanie decided she had enough and made a plan to knock it out. Guess what? She paid off $40k in debt in 18 months!  Although she has made several money mistakes in her past, she learned how to overcome them. It’s her mission to help others to avoid financial challenges and accelerate their financial success. In order to become financially independence you must start off with the right strategy.

Tancy | @herwellspentlife

Outside of being my Capricorn sister (both of us are born in the month of January – LOL). Tancy is a Military Spouse and a stay at home mom (SAHM). She is building her financial coaching business. It’s her mission to spread the wealth by helping others to become debt-free. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Community Health and a Masters Degree in Public Health. When she realized that she was going to be staying at home with her family AND living off of one income, she knew she had to find a way to pay off her debt. This motivational mama has paid of $105k in student loan and car debt! She read Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover, and like so many people, found herself having an a-ha moment. it’s not just about getting out of debt, it’s about what you do after, too. 

Kayla | @budgetingmommy

Kayla’s debt free journey started when she realized that she spent too much money on her honeymoon. Her and her husband make six figures combined, however poor money management led them down a path of living paycheck to paycheck. She learned about Dave Ramsey and the #debtfreecommunity by way of Instagram. In order to get out of debt, she created a functional budget, tracked her monthly expenses and developed a plan to eliminate debt. Today she has paid off $80,000 of debt in 18 months! She did this by selling items on Poshmark and Facebook Marketplace, eliminated unnecessary expenses and she sold her car! Talk about determination. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Jackie | @sugarandmoney

Jackie is a mom, wife, a lover of sugar and a personal finance enthusiast! She personally knows what it’s like to be in debt while trying to enjoy life. A few years ago, she made decisions that resulted in her accumulating six-figure debt! Rather than sit around and pile more debt on top of debt, she created a financial plan and she stuck with it. To date, she has paid off $65,000 of her outstanding debt. Sugar and Money launched in 2018 and it documents her debt-free journey. She aspires to show that becoming debt free is possible but definitely a choice that you must be willing to make.

Dyana | @moneybossmama

Dyana is a break-the-rules type of mom. She’s hell-bent on showing you that your “place” is exactly where you envision yourself. She went from struggling to afford her daughters $50 monthly daycare fee to paying off her $13,283 debt in only 18 months. She uses her Instagram account to empower women to fall in love with money, do the work that strums your heartstrings, and be your own definition of success. Her page is for the millennial mom who is unapologetically calling the shots in her life. Dyana is redefining what it means to be a woman, a mother, and an overall individual. If something seems out of her reach, she’ll just grab a stool.

Clarissa | @budgetqueen_blog

Meet Clarissa The Budget Queen! I met this mom of two on Instagram last year in 2019 and just like the other ladies featured, she is killing it on Instagram. She teaches working women how to manage their money so they can live their best life. To date, she has paid off $43,000 in credit card debt in 16 months. She has also helped over 500 women save up to $10,000. Follow Clarissa as she will teach you how to budget and manage your finances. She offers a wide array of products from eBooks, webinars and one on one coaching sessions that will definitely help you to organize your money.